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Senior Administrator Search Information

Information on current searches, candidates, and campus and community participation in the search process for searches for senior level academic leaders.

Current Searches

Virginia Tech has announced the committee tasked with overseeing a national search for the next vice provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

The vice provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs works collaboratively with college deans and associate deans to coordinate programs and services that meet the varying needs of a heterogeneous undergraduate student population and encourages the success of faculty and students. They establish and implement short and long-range strategic goals, objectives, policies, and operating procedures; evaluate and monitor programmatic and operational effectiveness, and effect changes required for improvement.

The new vice provost will replace Rachel Holloway, who has announced her retirement after 36 years of leadership and service to Virginia Tech.

The list of search committee members is as follows:

  • Ron Fricker – committee chair and vice provost for Faculty Affairs 
  • Matt Cowley – associate vice provost for Career and Professional Development, Provost's Office 
  • Renee Eaton – Undergraduate Program Director, CALS/HNFE 
  • Ellington Graves – senior associate vice provost, Provost's Office 
  • Rob Hopkins – assistant vice provost for Analytics and AI, Provost's Office 
  • Maryam Kamran – director of Inclusion and Diversity, CNRE 
  • Frances Keene – vice president, Student Affairs 
  • Leslie Orellana – Undergraduate Representative to BOV, Myers-Lawson/College of Engineering 
  • Kevin Pitts – dean, College of Science 
  • Michelle Seref – associate dean for Undergraduate Programs, Pamplin College of Business 
  • Rick Sparks – associate vice provost and University Registrar, Provost's Office 
  • Karen Strickler – executive assistant, Provost's Office 
  • Jim Tokuhisa – assistant professor of Practice, Biological Sciences/COS

The search committee will be supported by a staff that includes Rachel Gabriele, associate vice provost for Faculty Affairs, and Catherine Piche, program assistant for Faculty Affairs. Virginia Tech is partnering with its Human Resources Talent Acquisition Team to assist with the search process and manage nominations and applications for the position.

The position description and application/nomination process will be posted shortly.

The search committee for the next dean of the Virginia Tech Honors College invites the campus community to participate in open forum sessions (in-person and virtually) for the three finalists who will visit the campus in early December.

Saonee Sarker, dean of the Pamplin College of Business and chair of the search committee, invites all members of the campus community to meet the finalists in-person or virtually following the Open Forum discussions. Questions may be submitted during the live discussions and feedback on the candidates can be shared with the search committee following each session.

The new dean of the Honors College will replace Paul Knox, who announced his retirement in August after nearly 40 years of service to Virginia Tech.

  • Emily Allen
    Tuesday, December 3

    3:30–4:30 p.m.
    Reception: 4:30–5:30 p.m.
    Holtzman Alumni Center, Assembly Hall
    Emily Allen is one of the architects of interdisciplinary honors education at Purdue University, where she currently serves as director of the Blue Sky Teaching and Learning Laboratory. She directed Purdue’s College of Liberal Arts Honors Program from 2008-12 and led the university-wide team that designed the curriculum for the university’s new honors college. Allen completed her Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and held an Isaac Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship at Dalhousie University before joining Purdue’s English Department faculty.
  • Rebecca Bott-Knutson
    Thursday, December 5

    3:30–4:30 p.m.
    Reception: 4:30–5:30 p.m.
    Holtzman Alumni Center, Assembly Hall
    Rebecca Bott-Knutson is the dean of the Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Honors College at South Dakota State University (SDSU), where she provides leadership for curriculum, programming, strategic initiatives, and community engagement. She has contributed to the university’s mission through teaching, research, and outreach—first as a faculty member in the Department of Animal Science, and as dean of the Fishback Honors College. She earned her B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia, an M.S. in Animal Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science from Colorado State University.
  • Carla Koretsky 
    Monday, December 9

    3:30–4:30 p.m.
    Reception: 4:30–5:30 p.m. 
    Holtzman Alumni Center, Assembly Hall
    Carla Koretsky has served as the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Michigan University since July 2016. Koretsky and her students have conducted field, laboratory and modeling geochemical studies to better understand the interactions of contaminants with natural waters, sediments and soils. She earned her Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Johns Hopkins University and her BA from Washington University in St. Louis, graduating cum laude with an Earth and Planetary Sciences major and minors in Economics and Music Performance.

The dean provides administrative leadership of the Honors College and the capacity to manage a distinctive program in the context of a large, complex institution. The dean should demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities and exceptional interpersonal, collaboration, and communication skills. Candidates must also have a steadfast commitment to innovation in undergraduate education and a track record of advancing inclusive excellence.

These sessions will not be recorded and will only be available to participants with a VT PID.

Virginia Tech has announced the committee tasked with overseeing a national search for the next dean of the College of Natural Resources and Environment.

As the head of the College of Natural Resources and Environment (CNRE), the dean serves as chief administrative officer of the college and is responsible for strategically leading the college’s academic and administrative operations. CNRE is home to a diverse group of academic and research programs including forestry, forest products, fish and wildlife conservation, and geography, while developing new degree programs and majors, elevating faculty scholarship and expertise, and enhancing facilities and teaching and research capacity.

The new dean will replace Paul Winistorfer, who has announced his retirement effective fall 2025, after 16 years of leadership and service to CNRE and Virginia Tech.

The list of search committee members is as follows:

  • Kevin Pitts – search committee chair, dean of the College of Science
  • Tim Baird – associate professor, Geography
  • Anamaria Bukvic – assistant professor, Geography
  • Dan Cleveland, associate vice president, Colleges and Units, University Advancement 
  • Kevin Edgar – professor, Sustainable Biomaterials
  • Francesco Ferretti – assistant professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation
  • Jennifer Gagnon – coordinator, Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program, Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
  • Mike Gutter – director, Virginia Cooperative Extension; associate dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Sarah Karpanty – professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation
  • Joe Knight – department head, Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
  • Stacey Kuhar – executive assistant, Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
  • Mike Melo – chief executive officer, ITA International
  • Garry Morgan – director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Patty Raun – Alumni Distinguished Professor, School of Performing Arts
  • Bettina Ring – Virginia State Director, The Nature Conservancy
  • Maren Roman – professor, Sustainable Biomaterials
  • Todd VandeVord – senior financial planning manager, Office of Budget and Financial Planning

The search committee will be supported by a staff that includes Leslie Stevens, project director for Faculty Affairs, and Peggy Vilardo, administrative assistant for Faculty Affairs.

Virginia Tech is partnering with WittKieffer to assist with the search process and welcomes nominations and applications for the position.