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Faculty Personnel Action Dates for Academic Year 2024-25

Promotion and Tenure, Non-Reappointments, Research Extended Appointments, Faculty Leave Requests, Nominations for Emeritus/a, Endowed Chair, Professorships, Fellowships, and Hires with Tenure

Promotion and Tenure

See the Promotion and Tenure webpage for more information.
Contact: Cyndi Hutchison

Date Information
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Steger Hall Auditorium

Workshop: Deans, department heads/chairs, and P&T committee chairs. This workshop is especially valuable for department heads and members of department and college promotion and tenure committees. Presenters include: the Provost and/or the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, a college Dean, a member from the University P&T committee, and two department heads.

Date Information

Workshop: This workshop will provide the process and requirements for promotion to full professor. Recently promoted faculty members will give their perspectives on preparation for promotion, and a current or former member of college and university promotion and tenure committees will respond to questions. Presenters include: the Provost and/or the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, a college Dean, a member from the University P&T committee, and three recently promoted faculty members.

Date Information

Workshop: This workshop will provide insights into the process and preparation for promotion to associate professor with tenure. The workshop may also be valuable to those seeking tenure who are at the current rank of associate professor. Presenters include: the Provost and/or the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, a college Dean, a department head, a member from the University P&T committee, and three recently promoted faculty members. 

Date Information


Deadline: Promotion & Tenure listing sheets + electronic copy of each dossier 
Deans to Provost


Deadline: Recommendations for administrative promotions in the instructor, clinical, collegiate, and practice series  
Deans to Provost

3:00-5:00 p.m.
Meeting: University P&T Committee meeting and dossier distribution (Deans are present)
Provost to Committee
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Meeting: Faculty Subcommittee of University P&T Committee (Deans are not present)

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Meeting: Faculty Subcommittee of University P&T Committee (Deans are not present)

8:00 a.m.-Noon

Meeting: All members of the University P&T Committee (Deans are present)

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Meeting: All members of the University P&T Committee (Deans are present)

March 2025

Provost presents promotion, cont. appt., and admin. promotion recommendations to the President
Provost to President

April 2025

Notification sent to promotion, cont. appt., and administrative promotion candidates
Provost to Candidates

June 2025

Promotion/tenure recommendations submitted to Board of Visitors
President to Board of Visitors
Date Information


Deadline: Promotion/continued appointment listing sheets + electronic copy of each dossier 
Libraries Dean to Provost


Deadline: Recommendations for administrative promotions to ext. agent, sr. ext. agent       
Dean to Provost

03/07/25 Deadline: Dossiers distributed electronically to Univ. Promotion and Continued Appointment Committee members
Provost to Committee
2:00-4:00 p.m.

Meeting: University P&CA Committee

March 2025

Provost presents promotion, cont. appt., and admin. promotion recommendations to the President
Provost to President

April 2025

Notification sent to promotion, cont. appt., and administrative promotion candidates pending board approval
Provost to candidates

June 2025

Promotion, cont. appt., and administrative promotion recommendations submitted to Board of Visitors
President to Board of Visitors

Contact: Lynn Byrd

Date Information


Deadline: Promotion lists and dossier packets
Deans/Institute Directors to Office of Research and Innovation


Deadline: Dossiers reviewed and recommendations sent to Provost           
Office of Research and Innovation to Provost

March 2025 Provost presents promotion recommendations to President
Provost to President

June 2025

Promotion recommendations submitted to Board of Visitors
President to Board of Visitors

June 2025

Notifications sent to promotion candidates
Office of Research and Innovation to Candidates


Contact: Sara Leftwich

Non-reappointment letter must indicate the final date of employment. Please send a copy of the non-reappointment letter to the appropriate Dean and to Sara Leftwich. If the due date falls on a weekend, please deliver letter on the prior business day.

Date Information

11/09/24 (or earlier)

Deadline: Notice of non-reappointment for second-year faculty
Dept. Heads to Faculty

02/09/25 (or earlier)

Deadline: Notice of non-reappointment for first-year faculty, including instructors on one-year appointments        
Dept. Heads to Faculty

05/09/25 (or earlier) Deadline: Notice of non-reappointment for probationary faculty in at least third year of service
Dept. Heads to Faculty

Non-tenure-track instructional faculty are typically instructor, clinical faculty, or professor of practice faculty. For those faculty members on REGULAR appointments, the deadlines for non-reappointment are as follows:

  • Three months before the end of the current contract for those with less than two years employment;
  • One semester before the end of the current contract for those with two to five years employment;
  • One year before the end of the current contract for those with five years or more employment.

Research Extended Appointments

Contact: Faculty Affairs

Date Information


Deadline: For faculty already on a Research-Extended appointment; confirms funding is available to continue the appointment in Summer 2024.

Date Information
08/10/24- 3/10/25
5:00 p.m.

Deadline: Faculty with sufficient grant funding to convert to a Research-Extended appointment for Summer 2024.

Faculty Research Leave Requests

See the Research Leaves webpage for more information.
Contact: Rachel Gabriele

Date Information


Deadline: Faculty to Dept. Heads


Deadline: Dept. Heads to Deans


Deadline: Deans to Provost


Leave recommendations brought from Provost to the Board of Visitors

Emeriti Requests and Endowed Chairs, Professorships, Fellowships

See the Emeritus/a Status webpage for more information.
See the Endowed Chairs, Professorships, or Fellowships webpage for more information.
Contact: Rachel Gabriele

Date Information


Deadline: Materials for the November 19 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost


Deadline: Materials for the April 25 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost


Deadline: Materials for the June 3 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost


Deadline: Materials for the August 19 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost

Hires with Tenure

See Procedures for Faculty Appointments with Tenure (PDF) for more information about the process for recommending a newly hired faculty member.
Contact: Cyndi Hutchison

Date Information


Deadline: Materials for the November 19 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost

Materials must be received by this deadline to allow for review and approval by University Subcommittee, president, and provost prior to BOV deadline.


Deadline: Materials for the April 25 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost

Materials must be received by this deadline to allow for review and approval by University Subcommittee, president, and provost prior to BOV deadline.


Deadline: Materials for the June 3 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost

Materials must be received by this deadline to allow for review and approval by University Subcommittee, president, and provost prior to BOV deadline.


Deadline: Materials for the August 19 BOV meeting
Deans to Provost

Materials must be received by this deadline to allow for review and approval by University Subcommittee, president, and provost prior to BOV deadline.