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Mentoring & Support

Resources and programs for building mentoring relationships both in and outside of the university, and for professional advancement through publishing, advancing research, and for the promotion and tenure processes.

  • General Item
    New Faculty Mentoring Grant Program

    A grant to support a mentoring project designed to meet newly-appointed faculty members’ individual and unique needs.

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    Leadership Development

    Academic leadership includes both programs to develop future leaders and support for current academic leaders at Virginia Tech.

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    Faculty Writing Support

    Helping faculty writers create effective, sustainable writing practices through grant support, retreats, and workshops.

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    COACHE Survey of Faculty Job Satisfaction

    A survey gathering Virginia Tech faculty perceptions of the university, the workplace, the community, and their jobs.

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    Faculty Publishing Subventions

    Virginia Tech recognizes the financial challenges that faculty members face in publishing their scholarly and creative research. With this in mind, the Provost’s Office, in conjunction with the colleges and University Libraries, is pleased to offer publishing subventions in cases where there is a documented need.

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    Resources providing professional development, training, and mentorship opportunities to help faculty, particularly underrepresented faculty, successfully make the transition from graduate student to professor.

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    AdvanceVT Leadership Lunches

    In support of faculty women, AdvanceVT and the Women's Center co-host the Leadership Lunch Series.

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    Promotion and Tenure

    Provides support to the university promotion and tenure committee and oversees the process, which begins at the department level, and continues through the college to the university level.