Faculty Affairs

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Academic Personnel
Faculty Affairs supports policies and personnel actions in support of the recruitment, retention, recognition, and work-life balance.
General ItemAcademic Faculty Personnel Actions
These actions include faculty qualifications for teaching, leave without pay, research extended appointments, and research leaves.
General ItemAcademic Policies & Resources
These resources include materials in support of faculty evaluation, the Faculty Handbook, and information on faculty reconciliation and grievances.
General ItemRecruitment
Resources to support the recruitment of world-class scholars, including details of the work-life liaisons and dual career programs, and resources and information about faculty and senior administrator searches.
General ItemRecognition
Support for the recognition of faculty takes many forms, including both internal honorifics and awards and external recognition at the state and national level.
General ItemPromotion & Tenure
Provides support to the university promotion and tenure committee and oversees the process, which begins at the department level, and continues through the college to the university level.
General ItemElectronic Faculty Activity Reporting
Virginia Tech uses an electronic faculty activity data system to collect and manage information about research and scholarship, creative works, teaching, extension, outreach, and service activities.
General ItemWork-Life Resources
Programs, policies, and resources to support the excellence, professional success, and personal well-being of Virginia Tech faculty.
General ItemFaculty Forms
Provides links to forms for all Faculty Affairs-supported personnel actions.
Faculty Development
Faculty Affairs provides a variety of programs to support the professional success and development of Virginia Tech faculty as community of thriving world-class scholars.
General ItemAcademic Leaders
Academic leadership includes both programs to develop future leaders and support for current academic leaders at Virginia Tech.
General ItemCommunity Building & Networking
These programs provide opportunities and support for personal and professional community-building among faculty.
General ItemMentoring & Support
Resources and programs for building mentoring relationships both in and outside of the university, and for professional advancement through publishing, advancing research, and for the promotion and tenure processes.
Studies and Reports
Faculty Affairs uses a variety of data to inform the development of strategic priorities in support of faculty. These studies and reports not only inform our work, but may also be a valuable resource for faculty.
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