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COACHE Survey of Faculty Job Satisfaction

2023 COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey Highlights & Dashboard

COACHE Dashboard

Watch 2023 COACHE Town Hall

Since 2007, Virginia Tech has partnered with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, to survey faculty on their perceptions of the university, the workplace, the community, and their jobs. The survey results allow university stakeholders to identify strengths as well as implement improvements that make Virginia Tech a more satisfying place for faculty to work.

  • General Item
    Why COACHE Matters

    Data from COACHE surveys drives institutional change. Past survey results have informed the development, enhancement, or modification of a wide range of programs and policies.

  • General Item
    What COACHE Studies

    The COACHE survey gauges how faculty feel about their experience at Virginia Tech. Job satisfaction is measured by looking at a number of factors.

2023 COACHE timeline

2023 COACHE timeline graphic
2023 COACHE timeline graphic.
  • February 2023: COACHE faculty satisfaction survey launches
  • February–April 2023: COACHE dashboard updates weekly with unit participation rates
  • April 2023: COACHE survey closes
  • Fall 2023: Office of Faculty Affairs receives and processes COACHE data
  • Fall 2023: COACHE results are shared
  • Spring 2024: Action plans and proposals based on COACHE findings are created
  • Summer/Fall 2024: Implementation of recommended actions begins

Past COACHE reports

Note: In 2007 and 2009, only pre-tenure faculty were surveyed. In 2012 all instructional and research faculty were surveyed. From 2017 onward, all instructional faculty were surveyed.

Questions or concerns

Please email Rachel Gabriele, associate vice provost for faculty affairs.