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Academies of Faculty Service and Leadership

The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost oversees the process for nominations and appointment to the Academy of Faculty Service and the Academy of Faculty Leadership annually.

The purpose of these Academies is to recognize exemplary contributions of faculty members (all types: instructional, research, administrative, and professional) in formal service roles or in the area of leadership.

Academy of Faculty Service

The Academy of Faculty Service recognizes exceptional service to the university beyond a faculty member’s usual responsibilities. Instructional, research, administrative, and professional faculty members are eligible for inclusion in the Academy of Faculty Service.


To be nominated as a potential appointee to the Academy of Faculty Service, a faculty member (instructional, research, administrative, or professional) must have:

  • Successfully completed an elected or appointed term of office in university governance, or completed the assignment or set of responsibilities associated with a university-level project (e.g. task force, work group, ad-hoc committee), or
  • Made commendable service contributions at the university level outside of usual responsibilities and ongoing formal governance roles; and
  • Made a notable, demonstrable, positive impact on the university (as evidenced by the nomination statement and letters of support).

Academy of Faculty Leadership

The Academy of Faculty Leadership recognizes exceptional leadership within the university, either within or beyond a faculty member’s usual responsibilities. Instructional, research, administrative, and professional faculty members are eligible for inclusion in the Academy of Faculty Leadership.


To be nominated as a potential appointee to the Academy of Faculty Leadership, a faculty member (instructional, research, administrative, or professional) must have:

  • Modeled exemplary leadership (in formal or informal roles within the university), through activities and approaches that
    • significantly advance a culture of collaborative leadership, 
    • promote faculty, staff, and/or student development, and/or
    • advance program or curricular transformation; and
  • Made a notable, demonstrable, positive impact within the university community (as evidenced by the nomination statement and letters of support).

Nomination Process

Nominations are sought each academic year, and may be submitted by anyone.

At a minimum, your nomination must include:

  • A complete and detailed description of the activity or activities for which the nominee should be recognized, with specific examples of contributions and impact, and
  • Two additional letters of endorsement from faculty members or administrators (attachments accepted via online nomination form).

Please note: The usual separate surveys are combined so that faculty members may be nominated for either or both awards with a single submission. All criteria must be complete for both awards if selecting “both.” Incomplete nominations will not be considered but recommended for resubmission next year.

Procedures and Timeline for Nominations, Review, and Recommendations

  • October 2024: Call for nominations
  • November 18, 2024: Nominations due
    • Nominations for both academies will be reviewed by a single committee comprised of:
      • A member of Faculty Senate
      • A member of the Commission on Faculty Affairs
      • A member of the Commission on Administrative and Professional Faculty
      • A member of the Commission on Research
      • A member of the Academy of Teaching Excellence
      • A member of the Academy of Faculty Service
      • A member of the Academy of Faculty Leadership
  • January 2025: Recommendations made to the Executive Vice President and Provost
  • February 2025: Appointments announced



Email Leslie Stevens