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Chapter Twelve: Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Faculty

12.0 Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) Faculty

For policies applicable to VTCSOM faculty members employed by the university see the appropriate chapter in this handbook. This includes tenure-track and tenured faculty (chapter three), instructional faculty not on the tenure-track (visiting, adjunct, professor of practice, clinical faculty, collegiate faculty, and instructors), research faculty (chapter six), administrative and professional (A/P) faculty (chapter seven). Chapters two and 11 of this handbook include policies applicable to all faculty.

VTCSOM faculty members are of two types: faculty employed by the university or faculty employed by other entities (in most cases the Carilion Clinic). At all times, regardless of employer, faculty members providing instruction, academic support, or performing academic duties or roles as a VTCSOM faculty member are governed by VTCSOM and the university’s policies and procedures.

Faculty members with assigned duties in the VTCSOM, but not employed by Virginia Tech, are subject to the employment policies of their employer(s), but the VTCSOM has sole responsibility for assigning duties, including discontinuation of assignment, in accordance with governance procedures stipulated in VTCSOM bylaws.

12.1 Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Faculty

Regular* Faculty. A member of the faculty may have a primary appointment to the VTCSOM in a tenure-to-title track or non-tenure-to-title track.

Regular* Primary. A primary appointment includes a substantial commitment to the mission of the VTCSOM with regular engagement in teaching and service to the VTCSOM, and the pursuit of scholarship in medicine.
Ranks: assistant professor, associate professor, or professor

Instructional Faculty
Ranks: adjunct assistant professor, adjunct associate professor, adjunct professor, clinical preceptor, instructor, or senior instructor

VTCSOM Faculty Appointments and Ranks

Regular* Appointment

Appointment Description


Tenure-to-Title Track

Primary appointment within the medical school on the tenure-to-title track; possess a substantial commitment to the mission of VTCSOM, regularly engage in teaching and service to VTCSOM, and pursue scholarly activities in medicine.

Eligible for promotion as experience and accomplishment warrant to the following ranks:

Assistant, Associate, Professor

Non-Tenure-to-Title Track

Primary appointment within the medical school on the non-tenure-to-title track; possess a substantial commitment to the mission of VTCSOM, regularly engage in teaching and service to VTCSOM, and pursue scholarly activities in medicine.


Instructional Appointment

Appointment Description



Current or previous appointment with another academic institution; defined role in teaching or mentoring medical students.

Assistant Adjunct Professor Associate Adjunct Professor Adjunct Professor

Must possess a doctoral or other terminal degree.

Appointments are typically for up to three years and may be renewed. Ineligible for tenure-to- title, but eligible for reappointment.

Clinical Preceptor

Faculty members who teach medical students primarily in a clinical setting.  Clinical Preceptors are physicians with a MD, DO, MBBS, or equivalent degree. Appointments are typically for up to three years and may be renewed. Ineligible for tenure-to- title, but eligible for reappointment and promotion.

The Clinical Preceptor title does not change, even with prolonged service, unless a promotion is granted.

Instructors and Visiting Faculty

Instructors are faculty members who may not have doctoral level degrees but have instructional roles with students.

Senior instructors are faculty members with doctoral degrees and have a significant instructional role with students. Ineligible for tenure-to-title, but eligible for reappointment and promotion.

Visiting faculty members are individuals who are applying for a faculty position, but for whom the opportunity to instruct medical students is anticipated before the faculty appointment process is completed.

Appointment as Senior Instructor or Instructor may be up to three years. The appointment as a Visiting Instructor is for no more than six months. Ineligible for tenure-to-title, but eligible for reappointment and promotion.


Senior Instructor

Visiting Instructor

*Note: the term “regular” for VTCSOM faculty appointments is distinct from the use of the same term in chapter two of this handbook where it is used to distinguish faculty appointments with opportunity for renewal from those appointments that are “restricted” and that have an end date such as research faculty whose salaries are paid from external funding, visiting professorships or other temporarily available faculty positions.

12.2 Tenure-to-Title Track Faculty Appointments

Exclusive to the VTCSOM, tenure-to-title is the conferring of a permanent, non-employment, appointment to VTCSOM. Tenure-to-title is recognition by the VTCSOM of service and accomplishment of the faculty member and represents the expectation of continued exceptional service and accomplishment by the faculty member to the school (college).

Tenure-to-title is awarded in recognition of a body of accomplishment in teaching, clinical care (if relevant), and scholarship, and in acknowledgment of service to the missions of VTCSOM. As the criteria for tenure-to-title are virtually identical to criteria for promotion, tenure-to-title typically is awarded at the time of promotion.

Tenure-to-title is granted at the discretion of the VTCSOM without any right to, interest in, or expectation of any compensation or guarantee for compensation or future employment and is granted only in the VTCSOM to individuals who are not employed by Virginia Tech.

Once conferred, tenure-to-title is subject to review by the department and school committees on appointment, retention, promotion, and tenure (to title) and can be rescinded for imposition of a severe sanction or dismissal for cause.

Each VTCSOM department shall establish and communicate written guidelines for promotion and tenure- to-title for all applicable categories of appointment. Departmental guidelines must be consistent with VTCSOM and all relevant university promotion guidelines.

12.3 Department and VTCSOM Evaluation for Tenure-to-Title and/or Promotion in Rank

VTCSOM faculty members employed by the university should consult the department head, chair, dean’s office, and relevant chapter in this handbook for guidance on evaluation and promotion.

University promotion and tenure information is located on the provost’s Promotion and Tenure webpage.

The tenure-to-title and/or promotion in rank dossier is reviewed at three levels: (1) by an appropriately charged departmental committee and the department head or chair, (2) by an appropriately charged VTCSOM-level committee and the dean, and (3) by the provost. The department head or chair and dean make separate recommendations to the subsequent review levels. The provost reviews VTCSOM committee and dean recommendations and makes recommendations to the president. The Board of Visitors grants final approval.

Each department will establish a committee and process with appropriate faculty representation to evaluate candidates for promotion and/or tenure-to-title sent by the chair of the department. The department chair may chair the committee or remain separate from the committee’s deliberations and subsequently receive its recommendations. A faculty member may not participate in the evaluation of a spouse, family member, or other individual with whom the faculty member has a close personal relationship.

The VTCSOM committee reviews the candidates recommended by the departmental committee and/or chair. The VTCSOM committee makes a recommendation on each candidate to the dean. The division of the vote at both the departmental and VTCSOM levels is conveyed to the provost and remains confidential.

If requested by the dean, the VTCSOM committee reviews cases receiving negative recommendations by both the departmental committee and the head or chair. The purposes of the review are to verify that the recommendations are consistent with the evidence, reflect VTCSOM standards, and consider the goals, objectives, and programmatic priorities of the VTCSOM and university.

12.4 Conflicts of Commitment and Interest

In addition to university policies, VTCSOM faculty members are, as appropriate, subject to the Standards for Commercial Support as promulgated by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Medical Education (AACME).

12.5 Additional Policy Obligations

Individuals with appointment to the VTCSOM faculty are subject to all relevant and appropriate sections of this handbook and university policies. Including chapter two “Professional Responsibilities and Conduct” and chapter three “Imposition of a Severe Sanction or Dismissal for Cause”.